If you zoom in on the side view you will see the duck just in front of the drivers knee looking right at you.
22 July 2007 – Sunday
Since we had to be on the road by 7:00 I obviously did not get a lot of sleep but managed to stay awake during all five hours of meetings. Most of the time we had an elder to translate for us – Elder Wight is very good and elder Smith tries really hard. The only class I did not have anyone translating is the one I would have very much liked to have been part of. However I did not want to disturb the class to ask Elder Wight to translate for me.
On the way we passed a motorcycle loaded with live chickens and ducks. I got a good picture where it is easy to see some of the birds looking around to see what where they are going. My guess is that they were all in stews by evening, but perhaps some were going to be used for laying eggs. None of them seemed to be in a state of panic or looked really worried.
Today was Branch Conference for Tangerang 1 and Mary played the piano for the regular songs and for the Primary Choir that sang the prelude music. We once again had the pleasure of meeting with President Lee’s family. This is now 3 weeks in a row where we have been in the same sacrament meeting. That is very unusual. There were some good talks – I really wish I could have understood all of sister Tandiman’s talk. She spoke so well and I could just feel her spirit and wise counsel.
After going to all three Tangerang 1 meetings, we switched to Tangerang 2 for SS and PH. The elders had a full house in the Gospel Principles class. Including 3 investigators and a number of newer members. Other than reading a couple of parts of the lesson we basically listened to an excellent lesson. Usually T2 priesthood meeting is quite good but today it was taught by a brother who is not fully active and he was not well prepared. Also the class obviously had not read the lesson – elder Jensen’s talk about hymns from April Conference – and no copies were handed out.
The trip home went fast because I kind of dozed in and out of sleep. After eating some lunch – not a well balanced one – Mary took a nap and I tried to read from PHG but soon found myself nodding but never going to sleep. After Mary woke she let me re-read the last 40-50 pages of Harry Potter. I had read them after midnight and I wanted to see if I missed anything.
Then we read from the Kitab Mormon before ordering dinner from the nice downstairs restaurant. With tip the meal runs about $10 and is worth every cent. I then posted yesterday’s journal and started on today’s.
Since I did not get much sleep last night nor a nap today, I was in bed by 9 and after reading only a little from PMG I was soon asleep.