Everywhere there are bougainvillea blooming – except on our deck where we have this big bush of leaves and not even one flower. Mary and sister Kane with one of the orphans at the Muslim orphanage we visited to see their mushroom project.
15 July 2007 – Minggu
I slept much better than I expected and did not wake until almost 5. I took the computer out to the living room so Mary could sleep and I could write my talk. Since most of it was well established in my head or in notes I had been making over the last few days. The main problem is keeping it short enough but still getting the points across – this is why I wish I could speak the language. It will be interesting and probably stressing to see how it comes out.
Sam dropped us off at the branch and then headed for his branch. We were happy to see the Lees there. They are a great couple and have good English skills. President Lee was to be the last speaker. I talked to Hendra about who would translate for me and he said he would ask Lukito – if he came. As we sat on the stand waiting for the meeting to start I noticed how few people there were in attendance. Then just before the meeting started and for a little time after that they streamed in. I do not know if they had all been down in the foyer or if they just arrived but it reminded me of home and ‘Mormon Time.’ Brother Leo brought a family of bulais from Salt Lake to sacrament meeting. They seemed like a great family – one son on a mission and another hoping to get his call in a week.
There were four speakers and the second sister who spoke took at least 20 minutes. I decided that I needed to cut my talk way back or president Lee would not have any time. So I cut out all but the idea the danger of ‘dwindling’ in unbelief. The problem was when it came time to translate ‘dwindle’ Lukito could not translate it…we got a good laugh as we tried to work it out. Also since I was winging the talk, he could not get anything from my notes. So I entertained even if I did not teach much. However in thinking about it, I would guess that more folks listened carefully to my talk than others since they wondered what would come next. I ended by bearing my testimony in Bahasa and I think I did a fairly good job. Sister Lee was translating for Mary and I thought I saw a spiritual look in her eyes – but perhaps she was tearing up from laughter.
The elders had a full house in their Gospel Principles class. One investigator and four or five new or inactive members. One of the sisters had been baptized in Bandung back in the 70’s but had become inactive. She saw them on the street and stopped to say hello and said she would come to church. I forgot to bring the English version of the manual so we did not follow much of the lesson but since it was on the law of chastity we had a pretty good idea of what was being said.
PH was good – it was on worshiping things of this earth instead of God. I mentioned that not all modern idols are evil – such as those who put their calling in the kingdom before their family or those who do not go on a mission because they can not leave their kids and grandkids. They do not understand that the best way they could show love for them would be to be an example for them.
After the meeting we walked out to the street and a cab immediately pulled up. He was a really nice young man but he had no idea where Puri Casablanca might be. But we have made the trip enough now to know how to direct him so it took a little longer – he was hesitant along the way – we got home in good time.
Once at home I broke my fast and thank the Lord for his help with my talk. Then I ate lunch and took a nap – which stretched to almost 3 hours. I guess I was exhausted. Which is strange since I slept well last night. After I woke up I helped Mary clean up the house for when the sisters come tonight for dinner. We then read from the Kitab Mormon – I will be glad when Ether is over. We are in the battle section and to me it is a waste of good plates.
We called the sisters to check that they were coming and it turned out that they were running really late and had to cancel. So instead of having hot dogs, French fries, and fruit salad we will have chicken, French fries and veggies from the place downstairs. Mary said it was a great sacrifice but she guessed it was OK.
While we were at Jakarta Raya, president Anthony gave me a letter from a mother who wrote that her son was coming to Indonesia in early August and would like to have some info about what to see in Indonesia. I wrote him and her that we would be happy to help. She wrote back but I have not heard from him yet. He has been in Taiwan for a year and is going to Singapore, Bali and then here. Either he has a lot of money or he is living on the beach. It will be interesting to get to know more about him. He served his mission in the Philippines so he should be used to roughing it.
I am having a strange evening. I seem to have a nagging little headache – something that is occurring much too often this month and can not concentrate on anything for very long. I have tried reading from the D&C and the Kitab Mormon but after 10 minutes I am through. I can not even get interested in TV. What interests me most is going to bed…but after a 3 hour nap that seems ridiculous.
I finally found something that needed to be done and that I could stick with – I put titles on all the pictures we have taken in July and then started on June. I realized that if we do not do this, we will not remember where they were taken. And certainly none of our children or grandchildren who may someday look through them will know. Anyway this kept me occupied until about 9:30 when I went to bed and read from the D&C and then Harry Potter.