Penduduknya – Puhn-Dew-Duke-nyah – Inhabitants. It is one of those fun words we come across because Duduk means both to sit and to reside. I guess the idea is where your seat is so is your house.
20 April 2007 – Friday
We were both awake early. But while I was out doing my laps, Mary went back to sleep. Lucky lady. We later read three pages from the Kitab Mormon.
We went to the Jakarta Raya district meeting. They are nice enough to do most of the meeting in English so we know what is going on. I think it is also helpful for the Indonesian elders to use English. They are doing well as far as progressive investigators are concerned. They are not doing well in getting referrals and I suggested they increase their effort in that area. Elder Basuki gave a good lesson on finding people to teach. I noticed that I could actually understand many of the words he was saying – something that I was not able to do a month ago. Mary said that she was able to understand words without translating them. I am not that far.
After that meeting we came home, ate lunch and rested for a while before going to the university to teach English. Mary had three faithful students and I had my usual none. But I got more reading done in the Kitab Mormon so the time was not wasted.
After the English lesson, we went to our office to get some reports we need for our trip to Semarang in central Java.
When we got home we ordered pizza and then spent the night watching some TV, answering email and reading another hour in the Kitab Mormon.