Sedikit – Suh-dee-kit – ‘A little bit.’ We use this word a lot to tell people we know and understand only ‘sedikit’ Indonesian.
19 April 2007 – Thursday
Up just before 5 and did 5 laps in the walk/run mode and then walked a few more with Bob. I tried to pick his brain about the problem of human trafficking and how someone who wants to go out of the country to earn money avoids falling in among thieves. I asked if he would mind talking about this sometime to a group of our young people. He said he would be happy to.
Back at the apartment I read from the early chapters of 1st Nephi – it is getting easier but there are still often many words I do not know but can guess. I then look up the word to see what was actually written.
We once again over three pages in the Kitab Mormon this morning. Mainly because Mary remembers so many words and therefore we do not need to look them up. Also we did not discuss the strange wording in some of the verses as much as we sometimes do.
This morning I did a couple of loads of laundry, ironed three of my shirts and did the dishes. I am becoming very domesticated. Also my hands smell like Clorox something that you just get use to here in Indonesia. Also I watered the plants on the deck – it makes this feel more like home.
Thursday is one of our busiest days and today was no exception. I was surprised to find that the documents about the Intensive English class had already been translated and was waiting for me in an e-mail. Later I found out from Elder Subandriyo that the member of the district council that translated them used to work for the church as a translator. Hopefully President Mak will get the information to each of the branch presidents this week so we can start getting applications for the pilot.
Mary and I spent part of the time in the office preparing for our English classes. I found a good activity and thought of another. I am trying to find ideas that the children will enjoy doing while they learn.
I gave Sam some money – a whole $1 – so he could buy our lunch. I am eating off the street every other day. Each day is a kind of adventure because I am never quite sure what will show up. There is always the basic white rice and potatoes but the vegetables seem to change. Today I also got a crisp cracker like item that was not bad – it turned out to be fried tofu. The one thing I am not big on is a leafy vegetable that is something like lettuce. It is stringy and almost tasteless. But I just push this aside and keep eating.
We went to the mission home and picked up lots of mail – all for Mary and the elders. We also got our tickets for our trip to Semarang on Saturday. We also picked up some things for the Bennetts that we will take with us. Actually we will be taking a lot of things with us – heavy things – but should come back empty.
I stopped in and talked to Elder Subandriyo about the English class and employment in general. He wants me to become more pro-active in getting information about the employment needs of the district. While I am interested in getting things moving, I am somewhat hesitant to push very hard. I would rather teach those who should be getting the information to do it so that it is not my program but their program.
However I am afraid Elder Subandriyo is correct in that the Indonesian saints carry too much cultural burden that needs to be overcome to do it gradually. They may need a shock. I am thinking that I will try my way for three months and if nothing has changed to a more direct way. He suggests I go into each branch and get the information by talking to each member directly and get the information about their work or need for work.
From there we headed for Tangerang – we were going to stop and give a couple of Kitab Mormon to Sister Paulina but Sam had taken them out of the car. We did not find this out until we were well on the way there so we will have to do this next week instead. Due to this change in plans we were an hour early for the district meeting. To kill some time we went to a mall and got ice cream from A&W. Mary looked at a number of places to find some tennis shoes to wear but found nothing in her size.
I almost forgot. The clothes Mary was having made were delivered today. 2 blouses, 2 skirts and a dress. They look great and the total cost of making them was $30.
District meeting started late because Elder Wight – the new DL and former AP – was late getting to the church. My guess is that he and his companion were busy working. Elder Wight is going to make a difference in Tangerang. He is going to show them how to be successful. I believe the president was really inspired to send him there. However losing Elder Roper and Elder Thiemann will make it harder for us in our English classes because Elder Roper was so enthusiastic. Also the meeting was completely in Indonesian and we could only understand what was written on the board.
But I could feel the difference in the meeting. Elder Wight was very positive and I believe that he and his companion made something like 30 contacts in one day. Since the elders have been struggling to make 10 a day that is great. He also had them practice giving a short message and then asking for referrals.
English class went well – all of my students came up and gave the first article of faith. Later we learned that two of them learned it all by themselves because their parents do not speak any English. They are rather quiet children but slowly I think I am drawing them out. I have learned not to push much. So I ask and if they do not want to participate I let it go after a slight encouragement. Luckily I had enough treats to reward all of them.
When it came time to start the lesson, I found that I had not brought in one of the main activities. I am not sure where I put it. However I was saved by the activity I had planned. I taught them on, under, in front of, behind, and along side by asking them to do place an eraser on, etc. a chair.
This was a great success because everyone could take part and I could help the little ones. I also introduced the 2nd article of faith in English. Next week I will bring a printed copy for each student and they can take them home and learn them.
The trip home was like a picnic – that is we share the food that was left over from lunch. It also went quite fast. In fact we got home soon enough that we could watch ‘Without a Trace.’ Unfortunately it was an old re-run that we had already seen. But we watched anyways. Both of us were too tired to read from the Kitab Mormon before going to bed. We had used up our daily allocation of thinking.