Kesabaran – Kuh-sah-bar-an – patience; tolerance. As I have mentioned before this is an attribute that I have been working on. I am trying to learn to be patient with everyone as the Lord is patient with me and my shortcomings. It is the old mote and beam saying from the bible. I certainly try the Lords patience with my procrastination and my weaknesses. Therefore like the servant who asked the Lord to forgive his debt and then demanded another pay his debt to him or he would take him to law. It is probably one of the hardest Christ-like attitude to develop – especially if for 60 years you have not been that way. A mission certainly reminds one of his weaknesses and of course her strength.
15 April 2007 – Sunday
District Conference continues with the main general meeting. For this the mission rents a large hall that will sit about 700 people. We picked up the Kanes and their luggage and got to the meeting by just after 9. We got to meet all the missionaries because they had formed a reception line. At 9:30 a district primary choirs started reciting and singing about the Articles of Faith. It was fun to see the young people who come to my English class on Thursday taking part. I tried to catch their eyes so I could smile at them, but no one was looking for me. I am sure I just look like any bulai – their name for any light skinned person. It is hard to tell one of us from another.
The meeting went from 10 to noon – the main speakers were Elder Jackson and President Jensen. My headphones went out before President Jackson spoke but I was able to follow some of what he was saying – I am encouraged that slowly I am starting to hear the Indonesian words. At least when they are spoken by those who are not natives. I am not sure I will ever be able to hear and understand the native speakers. The way the pronounce words is different from what I am storing in my memory. But at least I hope to reach a point where I can speak in church if I know what the lesson is about.
After the main meeting we thought we could go home but there was a special meeting called by Elder Jackson for all the new members from the last two years and we were invited to be part of it. I think it was a great idea for the newer members to be recognized and welcomed in by a leader that they looked up to. It was also good that Elder Jackson reminded the branch presidents that there was a need to give the new members a calling soon after they are baptized. Hopefully this will spur them to do this – it is not done now. After this meeting we bid the Kanes and VanDongens farewell and headed home.
The rest of the day was spent eating, napping, studying Indonesian, reading from the Kitab Mormon and watching TV.