Game Drive Part 4 – Anything that is left

Here are the pictures that did not fit in the other posts about the drive.18may15 - drive - helmeted guinea fowl 18may15 - drive - helmeted guinea 18may15 - drive - warthog family 18may15 - drive - Warthogs

I have a fond affection for guinea fowl and warthogs. Mary took the photos of this great looking helmeted guinea fowl – they do not have crested guinea fowl in the park. There were warthogs all over the park – remember the one that greeted us at the gate. They often travel in family groups with only large males seen alone.

18may15 - drive - Birds not of a feather 18may15 - drive - croc with bird

At the first body of water we stopped at the dead trees were filled with birds that were either nesting or just enjoying the sun. We never did figure out but at least one is probably a comorant. Mary took this great shot of three crocs enjoying the warm sun and sand. She caught a white egret either taking off or landing and a tree that is just dripping with weaver’s nests.18may15 - drive - hippos lazy 18may15 - drive - chacma baboons

Besides the hippo we saw earlier in the water we found this pile of very lazy hippos out sun bathing which is unusual because they seem to prefer the water in daytime. Maybe the water was too cold. Along this dam there was a family of Chacma baboons.18may15 - drive - Monkey baby 18may15 - drive - monkey family

When we stopped at a small commercial center in the park I got photos of a family of vervet monkeys that stayed around the restaurant area in hopes of getting handouts. Some were brave enough to jump up on the tables to grab anything left behind. The management was not happy about this but the monkeys are very fast.

18may15 - drive - scenery a view 18may15 - drive - scenery pile of rocks 18may15 - drive - scenery grass close up 18may15 - drive - Lucky


Unfortunately I did not take many pictures of the landscape which was a mistake it was much different from what we have seen elsewhere. There are a small dams and one rather large one, lots of plains and mountains. Mary took this picture of what looks like something a giant farmer might stack up as he cleared his fields of rocks. She also took this photo of the grass – she was trying to snap one of the giraffes but her camera kept focusing on the grass just a short ways from her window. As we were leaving we said goodbye to our friend Lucky….

2 thoughts on “Game Drive Part 4 – Anything that is left

  1. Sandy Mickelsen

    Love our vicarious game drive with the Piers! You had a great variety to keep yourselves interested! So Kruger will be the celebration spot for what #anniversary?

    1. Bill Post author

      We hope that the trip to Kruger will be as good or better than our last trip with you…we will be celebrating our 55 anniversary. We had our 50th here also!


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