Elder and Sister Dummers’ Last Zone Meeting

Once a transfer we have Zone Meeting and today was Elder and Sister Dummers last one before the go home. We drove together to the Vaal Zone meeting and talked some about how it feels to come to the end of a mission. Since no couple is available to replace them, they not only have to pack up the things they are going to take home but also help pack up the whole apartment which will be closed. We have been lucky that although we had to pack up part of the apartment in Indonesia, the other flats just had to be cleaned well because other couples were already scheduled to come in. The way it looks now we also will not be replaced when we leave in August unless some couples are soon assigned to the mission.

Mar2015 - ZM - Liera, Dummer Mar2015 - ZM - McAllister, Sipiri

Although it looks like elders Liera and Dummer are getting into a fight, elder Liera is just showing him how he fought in the ring before he came on his mission. Elders McAllister and Sipiri were companions and now serve in the same zone.

Mar2015 - ZM - Carter, T, Turouskis Mar2015 - ZM - Di Ruscio at piano

Before the meeting elders Carter, T and Turouskis gathered around the ZL’s boot to see what they brought for them from the office. Now that elder Dutson was transferred Elder Di Ruscio played the piano.

Mar2015 - ZM - Todd, Reese Mar2015 - ZM - Ah Wong, Yates, Turouskis, May, McAll

Elder Todd led the music while elder Reese sang along for the opening hymn. Other elders singing included Ah Wong, Yates, Turouskis, May and McAllister.

Mar2015 - ZM - Ah Wong, Yates Mar2015 - ZM - Hentunen, Neuenschwander

Elders Ah Wong and Yates are companions…I wonder what elder Yates if thinking about. There were two lessons given – one was by elders Neuenschwander and Hentunen pictured above and the other by elders Oldroyd and Todd who for some reason I did photograph. Mar2015 - ZM - Turouskis, May Mar2015 - ZM - Neuenschwander, McAllister

Elder Turouskis and May are companions in the Ennerdale area. After the meeting elders Neuenschwander and McAllister had things to talk about.   IMG_8563 IMG_8565

Elders May and Di Ruscio were in the MTC together and so was elder Alvial. IMG_8566 Mar2015 - ZM - Stomp,  Andritiana, T

However elder McAllister was not part of that group but he wanted to be in the picture. Elders Stomp, Andriatiana and T spent some time together. Elder Andriatiana is looking at the scrapes he got when a car ran into him while he was on his bike. He was very lucky to just get some scrapes on his arm and buttocks – it could have been a lot worse.

Mar2015 - ZM - Andritiana  IMG_8560

Here are good pictures of elder Andritiana and Carter…elder Carter always has a smile on his face.



One last picture of elders Oldroyd and McAllister. You may notice that elder Oldroyd like to talk with his hands – maybe there is a little Italian in his genealogy? It is always a pleasure to be with these dedicated missionaries who work so hard to invite others to come unto Christ.

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