We Finally Make the Game Drive –

Well we finally made a game drive with elder and sister Dummer. Not only that but we got to see all the large animals in the small reserve. There are no elephants, hippos or any of the cats. But there are rhinos, wildebeests and other antelope. Also there are a large variety of birds.

Rhino 1 26Jan15 game drive - Rhino 2 26Jan15 game drive - rhino 3


Mary was the only one who spotted the rhinos tucked under the trees and lying on the ground. They were white rhinos – which is a strange name for animals who are brown or gray – and so we still have not seen the much rarer black rhino here in Africa. We had to go to Africa Safari in Florida to see the black rhino which is part of the big 5. Most people who think they have seen the big 5 while on a game drive in Africa would be surprised to know that they never actually saw the right rhino. It has to do with their snot – one is pointed and the other is broad.

26Jan15 game drive - young giraffe 2 26Jan15 game drive - giraffe eating 26Jan15 game drive - giraffe resting 2 26Jan15 game drive - two giraffes 26Jan15 game drive - old giraffe 3


Seeing giraffes is always fun. There were at least 3 of them with two being younger – the color of their spots are more tan tan dark brown – and one older. It is hard to really understand how tall they are by looking at photos because there is nothing to measure them against. But the one of the older one eating from the tree is stretched out at least 20 feet and probably taller.

I was surprised to see a giraffe sitting. We had been talking about this earlier and wondered if they had to sleep standing up or if they could sit or lie down. Well now we know they can sit. I would have loved to see how it got down or to have seen it get up. It can not be easy and it would seem to me to be dangerous. Of course with no predators in the reserve maybe they have become relaxed. I know that before they drink they look all around to see if there is any danger because they have to spread their legs so far apart there is no way they can get up and run quickly.

26Jan15 game drive - ostrich 26Jan15 game drive - ostrich tail

There were lots of ostriches on the reserve. Normally they do not hold much interest for me but when I saw the one with orange tail feathers I thought it was worth a picture. Later we saw a flock of them close to a herd of zebras.

26Jan15 game drive - flock of ostrich with Zebras 26Jan15 game drive - zebras 2 26Jan15 game drive - zebras 3 ZebrasZebras are another common animal that we do not get tired of seeing. They are just so unusual and interesting besides being photogenic.

26Jan15 game drive - waterbuck Waterbuck buck waterbuck doe

When we first saw this small herd of antelope I could not make out what they were. Then I saw the tell tail (that is a pun) white band around the tail and knew they were waterbuck. This was interesting because the fact sheet they put out does not list waterbuck as one of the animals that you would see on the drive. As we were leaving I asked the ranger about this and he was surprised to see that they had left it off because he knew they were there.

26Jan15 game drive - Gemsbok  herd 26Jan15 game drive - Gemsbok close looking at us

We saw this good size herd of antelope with the very long horns and I did not know what they were. When we got home I googled African antelope and found that they were Gemsbok. They among the largest African antelope and their horns average about 3 feet long.

26Jan15 game drive - Wildebeests

Wildebeests are kind of like large impalas as far as interest goes. The first time you see them they are interesting but after a while you just say – oh there is another herd of wildebeests.26Jan15 game drive - Blacksmith Plover 26Jan15 game drive - long tail bird 2

A few of the birds in the reserve. We saw the Blacksmith Plover almost as soon as we drove through the gates. The long-tailed Widow bird is always a show stopper when it is flying. The tail seems to be twice as long as the body and there is red and white on it’s body that is only seen when it is flying. We saw one almost hovering in the air like it was a predator bird watching for its prey. I do not know the name of the other birds below.

26Jan15 game drive - pair birds 2 26Jan15 game drive - yellow bird

2 thoughts on “We Finally Make the Game Drive –

  1. Sandy Mickelsen

    Thanks for the animal pictures – really miss seeing all the animals. Now don’t even have time to check the Tembe website. An elder asked me today what was fun about our mission in South Africa and I told him about the game drive we went together – the herd of elephants, and the family of lions in front and on the side of your car. The whole mission was a great adventure and experience never to be forgotten!
    It looks like there are good times being had by the seminary and institute young people in your branch. School started yesterday here, along with seminary and institute.

    1. Bill Post author

      We have often talked about that time with you just before you went home. Especially all those different animals around the water hole as we left that first day. We never saw so many species in one place before or after that trip. The night at Leopard Mountain was also a treat. We hope to get to Kruger for our anniversary and perhaps we will take a few days at the end of our mission and go over to Richards Bay and the game reserves before heading home.

      The branch had not had any institute or seminary before we were called here and it was one of the first things that we were asked to get started. On the day I was sustained as branch president I called an institute teacher and then a couple of months later Mary started Seminary.


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