Seminary, Puzzle and Birds…

Wow am I behind in writing text to go with these pictures. Each may be worth a thousand words but if you do not know what they are talking about it does not make a lot of sense. On Thursday Mary had Seminary which is followed by an activity night. There were 5 young men and women there and after the introduction to the D&C, this years subject, she had the YM and YW try a new came which is like Pictionary…it was not very successful because most of them either did not know the subject they were to draw or if they did not what to draw to get the answer. But they gamely tried and it ended up a tie.

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We finished the puzzle that the elders started the day before. Since there was so many animals and not many areas where the color was the same it was pretty easy. Each morning I put out food for our feathered friends – this is a typical gathering of sparrow, doves, and weavers that drop in for breakfast, lunch or dinner. The large black-headed bird standing by the piece of old bread is a new one for me. It looks much like an overgrown weaver but I am sure it is too big to be one.

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