President Anderson’s Letter – May 19

Remember, after humbling ourselves we must be diligent:

 â€œOne amazing thing that happened this week was all thanks to my amazing companion. After a food appointment we came out to the car not starting. As we were waiting for Elder Bare to find us and help fix the problem, we realized we were near a park. The thought of going and contacting came to my mind but I brushed it out with the fact that we were in a really rich area, and we didn’t know how much time we had. But my companion then told us he felt like we might as well harvest, and then we went. As we headed to the park we got each other excited and went contacting. The first prayer was amazing and the man accepted baptism and church on Sunday! Then the next one too! After that we had to head back to the car but afterwards I couldn’t believe we had just found two amazing people in less than 10 minutes! It was such an amazing experience and a testimony builder. Now I love contacting in parks!”

Remember, after humbling ourselves we also need to exercise faith:

 â€œI saw a guy working on his car. He looked up at us and stared as though he knew us or wanted to say something. So I walked up to him and asked him if he needed help on his car. He declined, but we offered a prayer and he accepted that. We said the prayer and immediately after that he said that he felt a change and that he wanted to have a renewing in his life. We invited him to be baptized and he said he would even though he had been baptized before. Then he told us that he had had a vision a few days earlier where God had sent two guys to help him change his life and renew his commitment with Jesus Christ. We were sent to him. My companion and I were so stunned walking away from that experience… We both felt we should talk to him and we saw an amazing miracle!!!! What great things does the Lord do for us!!!”

Remember, after humbling ourselves we must “give heed”; we must be obedient:

“We applied what you trained on with teaching the how of repentance to our investigator. She is an incredible young lady who has problems with pretty well every commandment; from the law of chastity to the word of wisdom, she has broken them in almost every way possible. We’ve been teaching her for about two weeks now and had taught her all the commandments but she hadn’t wholeheartedly committed to live them. On Thursday night we taught her how to repent and a new light entered her eyes. As we testified of the steps of repentance and how she would feel as she went through those steps her smile got bigger and bigger. Repentance no longer appeared to her to be an insurmountable wall, but a bright, clear path. We invited her to go through the steps right there and she did it, recognizing, asking forgiveness, and forsaking. She was the happiest I have ever seen her! We then decided to set up her baptismal interview even though she hadn’t been to church yet. In the interview her confidence in being able to keep the commandments continually was very low. The Zone Leader though, taught her that keeping the word of wisdom and law of chastity was part of her repentance process. When she heard that, our investigator was beaming and so excited to keep the commandments! She came to church yesterday and boldly announced to everyone how she was going to be baptized next week and become a member of the church!”

2 thoughts on “President Anderson’s Letter – May 19

  1. Jana Loucks

    Hi Brother and Sister Pier: Hope you are enjoying being back home!! Sorry to bug you but just wondered if the new couple that you trained are going to have a blog? I love seeing the pictures of all our missionaries!! Also a big thank you for keeping us up to date with your blog during the time our missionary was there. We have loved your blog!! We really hope to meet you someday in person!! Jana Loucks

  2. Bill Post author

    Hello Sister Loucks…as always we find being home unusual. We love to see our children and grandchildren, catch up with what is happening in the ward, get our rather large yard back in shape, and other things we do not get to do on a mission. But after a month or so we realize that being home is not as engaging or interesting as being on a mission. Usually that means that we sign up as service missionaries at the MTC. However this time we are going to go visit some of our family that we have not seen for a number of years so sister Pier made me promise not to get us involved in anything that took a weekly commitment.

    We suggested to the Singletons that they start a blog but they still feel they are too busy to commit to one yet. However they did keep our tradition of having a Last Lunch for their district so there is hope that they will find time to do a blog. There is a new couple coming in next week and perhaps they will be bloggers.

    I will continue to post the President’s letters and any pictures I can get my computer on.


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