Wednesday – Our Last Transfer…at least in Fort Lauderdale

NOTICE…11 Pictures added on Friday Night. Somehow I managed to leave out some pictures when I transferred them to the blog…They are about 2/3rd of the way down the post. So if you looked and did not see your missionary, you might want to look again…

Transfer day is a wonderfully crazy day for President and Sister Anderson, the assistants and most of the senior missionary couples.

The first thing that happens is all the departing missionaries come in to the Plantation chapel by 5:30 and drop off their luggage and bikes before getting into vans and going up to the Orlando temple. This transfer there were 13 missionaries being released so it took two vans and two couples. Elder and sister Collins are old hands at this while this was elder and sister McCormicks first chance to accompany the missionaries. I do not have any pictures of this because at 5:30 I was just rolling out of bed. However we twice had the experience of going with the missionaries and we loved it…well maybe not the 7 hours of driving but the spirit of the temple more than made up for that.

Just as I have gotten pretty good at taking lots of pictures at the transfer, we attended our last one here in the Florida Fort Lauderdale mission. For the last time we had the chance to see and hear the sights and sounds of a transfer meeting. What a joy it is to hear 50 -100 dedicated missionaries sing, recite their purpose, gasp and smile as the assistants reveal the new callings and companionships, and then the joyful musical chair like movement when they say ‘you can now make the change.’ There are big hugs for the companion that they have learned to know and love in a way that they have never known anyone else. 24/7 they have shared each experience, joy, heartache, and even problem. They then go and find their new companion and give another big hug. It is too bad that every parent can not share in this wonderful experience. It is one of the great blessings we have had the opportunity to share on our last two missions.

Then President Anderson gives some counsel. Once again he urged the missionaries to not make transfer meeting an excuse for a non-productive day or week. He shared a number of letters from missionaries who heeded his counsel and promise at the last transfer and went to work as soon as they were back in their area and dropped off luggage. The stories told how the missionaries were blessed with amazing success when they had faith and were obedient to their president’s wishes.

The toughest part of the meeting for me was the singing of the traditional closing song…”We’ll Bring the World His Truth.” I could only sing about 1/2 of any verse as I felt the spirit and perhaps a little sadness of all those faithful missionaries singing with such spirit and zeal. They are truly doing what the title suggests and we have been greatly blessed by in a small way helping them.

I hope some of you parents who read this blog in hopes of seeing a picture of your missionary find one or two here. I have tried to take as many companionship pictures as possible. Enjoy!

01 10April2013 - Trans - Studying 02 10April2013 - Trans - Bay

Being very obedient missionaries, most of them were in the chapel soon after 8:00 and studying their scriptures. The front two rows were filled with the 21 new missionaries who probably are still trying to recover from jet lag and waking up yesterday – if they ever went to sleep that is – in time to catch the bus to the SL airport at 4:30. Elder Bay and Tesch who are down in Homestead Zone were one of the companionships that stayed the same but they still came up to bring other missionaries. They sat on the back row and had a great view of the meeting.

03 10April2013 - Trans - Jones Hunt 04 10April2013 - Trans - More studying

All the missionaries involved in the transfer was asked to be at the chapel by 8:00 so they could spend some time studying and pondering the scriptures. I did catch a picture of elders Jones and Hunt in the hall. They had been serving as ZLs up in Coral Springs but both left the meeting with new companions and positions. Elder Richardson is on the end of the group of missionaries intent on studying.

05 10April2013 - Trans - Loucks 06 10April2013 - Trans - Ellis Mail

Elders Elliott and Loucks have been companions but they also got new companions. One of the things that missionaries look forward to is getting mail. Since a good portion of the missionaries move each transfer we hold letters and packages or about a week before transfer meeting so it does not get sent to the wrong address. E/S Ellis carefully lays out the mail on hand so the missionaries can stop in and get their’s after the meeting.

10 10April2013 - Trans - changing places 2 11 10April2013 - Trans - Mendenhall ONeil

I mentioned above the changing of companionships that occurs zone by zone. Once the assignments are read they tend to jump up, give their old companion a big loving hug and immediately find their new companion and greet them the same way. They then sit down in the zone that they are assigned. My short term friend and companion for about 20 minutes, elder Mendenhall will be trained by elder O’Neill in the Miami Beach Zone. I am sorry that I will not get to know elder Mendenhall better but I know he will be well trained by elder O’Neill.

12 10April2013 - Trans - LangfordPassey 13 10April2013 - Trans - Burt Marcussen

Elder Langford – who I really look up to at 6′ something – will train elder Passey while they serve in the way down in the Keys. They will have the privilege of having Elder and Sister McCormick in their area. They will never worry where their next meal will be coming from. Ever smiling elder Burt has a new companion in elder Marcusen. I always mix elder Marcusen up with elder Martineau – not them personally but their talents. Elder Marcusen is a marvelous piano player…I am not sure how elder Marcusen plays.

14 10April2013 - Trans - Rugg Chartrand 15 10April2013 - Trans - LeBaron Judkins

Elder Chartrand is going to be trained as he serves with our friend elder Rugg as they serve in the Fort Lauderdale Zone. Sister LeBaron will be trained by sister Judkins in the highly Spanish speaking Hialeah Zone.

16 10April2013 - Trans - Andelin Brakey 17 10April2013 - Trans - Tesch Bay

Elder Andelin – elder Burt’s recent companion – will serve with elder Brakey in one zone further North – the Coral Springs Zone. Elders Tesch and Bay stood still long enough for me to take a companionship picture

18 10April2013 - Trans - Tesch Bay  Fisher Allen19 10April2013 - Trans - Hoole Elliott

They then were joined by elders Fisher and Allen for a group shot. Elders Fisher and Allen will serve together in the Miami Zone. Elder Hoole is now serving with elder Elliott – see above – up in the Palm Beach Zone.

20 10April2013 - Trans - Ellis LeBaron Judkins 21 10April2013 - Trans - Wardell Hutchinson

Sister LeBaron got to meet elder Ellis as sister Judkins looks on. We are going to miss elder Wardell very much – he is training elder Hutchinson while serving as one of the district leaders in the Hialeah Zone.

22 10April2013 - Trans - Eldridge Brown 23 10April2013 - Trans - Pearce Brown

Sister Eldridge will be trained by sister Montgomery-Brown in the Miami Beach Zone. Elder Pierce – who always has a smile on his face will be with elder W. Brown and they will serve in the Coral Springs Zone. I did not notice that I took pictures of an sister and elder Brown one after another. I just grab as many companionships as I can and snap a quick picture.

24 10April2013 - Trans - Torres Pond 25 10April2013 - Trans - Thompson Hunt

A big smile from elder Torres who is now a companion of ever smiling elder Pond. They will serve as ZLs up in Stuart Zone. They will put many, many miles on their truck as they cover the largest zone in the mission. Elder Thompson is going to be trained by one of the best – elder Hunt – while elder Hunt serves as one of the zone leaders in Homestead zone. Elder Hunt is another missionary that we have had a chance to serve closely with.

26 10April2013 - Trans - Williams Marsh 27 10April2013 - Trans - Claude Rockwood

I have to say that I smiled when I read that elder Williams was to be our old friend elder Marsh’s companion and that they would serve as Zone Leaders in the Miami Beach zone. A basketball injury is not going to slow down elder Claude who is going to serve with elder Rockwood up in Stuart Zone.

28 10April2013 - Trans - Wilson Rondo 29 10April2013 - Trans - Herrera Jackson

Elder Wilson is back in the area as he will serve as one of the DLs here in the Fort Lauderdale Zone. He will serve with elder Rondo who lost his companion elder Pond to the Stuart Zone. Sisters Jackson and Herrera share a big hug as they will now serve as companions in Stuart Zone.

30 10April2013 - Trans - Forbush Johnson31 10April2013 - Trans - Smoot Bloom

Sister Forbush will be trained by our long time friend sister Brooke as they serve in the Fort Lauderdale Zone. Speaking of the FLZ, elder Smoot now has elder Bloom as his companion as they serve as ZLs in that zone. Elder Bloom was recently a district leader here before spending some time up in the Coral Springs Zone. We glad to have him back and with elder Smoot…however we will miss elder Edwards who has departed for home.

32 10April2013 - Trans - King Ward 33 10April2013 - Trans - Toeava Olson

Elder King has a new son to train – elder Ward. They will serve together in the Hialeah Zone. Our very good friend elder Toeava is now companions with elder Osborn as they serve in Miami Zone. Although we have never served in a district or even zone with elder Toeava I feel very close to him. Maybe it is because of his great hugs but I think it has much to do with his great spirit.

34 10April2013 - Trans - Huntchinson Wardell 35 10April2013 - Trans - Houghton Smaellie

Another picture of elder Hutchison and elder Wardell…more to come further down. Sister Houghton will train sister Smaellie while they serve in the Palm Beach zone. I am hoping that sister Smaellie’s parents will post her weekly letters on her blog so I can keep up with how her mission is going.

36 10April2013 - Trans - Winslow Lee 37 10April2013 - Trans - 4 Amigos

Elder Winslow and elder Lee who are not now companions and I do not think they were ever companions but I managed to get a picture of them together. This is the first picture taken of the new Super Nova YSA area…also known as the Assistants to the President. Elder Plowman will be a great addition to elders Shipley, Stewart and Gust…

38 10April2013 - Trans - 4 Amigos and Pres 39 10April2013 - Trans - Rodriquez  Lee

Then I snagged President Anderson going by and got a shot of him with the APs. I finally got a picture of elder Rodriquez with his trainer elder Lee. They are going to be serving in the Hialeah Zone.

40 10April2013 - Trans - Kafton Page 41 10April2013 - Trans - Ovard White

Elders Kafton and Page will now serve together in the Homestead Zone. Elder Ovard will train elder White as they serve together in the Miami Zone.

43 10April2013 - Trans - Ovard White Petersen Blackham44 10April2013 - Trans - Doria Barbossa

Elder Petersen will train elder Blackham as they serve in Belle Glade. Ever smiling elder Doria is training elder Barbossa in the Palm Beach zone.

45 10April2013 - Trans - Schneider Ellett 46 10April2013 - Trans - McKay Tuai

Sisters Schneider and Ellett will be serving together in the Palm Beach Zone. I hope sister Schneider likes this picture…she told me yesterday (Thursday) that she has not been pleased with prior ones. Sister McKay will be trained by sister Tuai in Hialeah Zone.

47 10April2013 - Trans - Aul Lamb 48 10April2013 - Trans - Clayton Moody

Elder Aul and elder Lamb will spend this transfer down in Homestead zone. Sister Clayton is the trainer for sister Moody in a new area in the Royal Palm Beach ward.

49 10April2013 - Trans - Nimer Sablan 50 10April2013 - Trans - Parking Lot with Missionaries

Sister Nimer has a great trainer in sister Sablan who has only been out 12 weeks but is already a seasoned missionary. This is just a small portion of the parking lot and the excitement that occurs when the meeting is over. Missionaries, luggage, and bikes are moved around. Then there are final hugs before getting into their cars so they can head off to their new areas and start working so they have their standard of 8 blessings before the day is over.

51 10April2013 - Trans - Baumann Aloi 52 10April2013 - Trans - Bauman and laughing Aloi


Sister Baumann and her trainer sister Aloi will serve in the Palm Beach Zone. They get two pictures because I love the one with sister Aloi laughing at something I said just before taking the shot.

53 10April2013 - Trans - Plowman Shipley Clayton Moody 54 10April2013 - Trans - Claude Jones

Elder Plowman clowns around while elder Shipley explains to sisters Clayton and Moody how to use a fishing pole to become fishers of men…anyway that is how I interpret this picture. Elder Claude and elder Jones just happened to be close to each other so I took their picture.

55 10April2013 - Trans - Curtis Shaffer


Elder Curtis will serve with elder Shaffer up in Jupiter. Elder Shaffer has the honor of being the last missionary called to the Orlando mission before the Stuart Zone was transferred to the Fort Lauderdale mission.

56 10April2013 - Trans - Board Tesch Bay 57 10April2013 - Trans - Board Richardson Tesch


After they leave the chapel many of the missionaries stop in at the office to pick up supplies. They almost all stop in the hall to see where they and their friends are on the big board. Elder Bay seems to have more interest in my taking his picture than elder Tesch and others. In the right hand picture I caught elder Richardson, Tesch and others looking at the board.

60 10April2013 - Trans - everyone getting goodies 61 10April2013 - Trans - Burgon Jones

One of the reasons that the missionaries love to come into the office is that sister Bare feeds them bananas, pastries, cheese with crackers and lots of snacks. Elders Burgon and Jones , the two zone leaders in the Coral Spring zone got in a picture.

62 10April2013 - Trans - Burgon, Jones board 62 10April2013 - Trans - Gutierrez Martineau

Then they stopped by the board to make sure they are still on it. Elder Jones got to carry the supplies they picked up. Elders Guitierrez and Martineau not only serve together in the Hialeah zone. I think they also have the longest combination of last names among the elders. Among the sisters it is Montgomery-Brown and Eldridge. A bit a trivia that everyone needs to know.

63 10April2013 - Trans - Brown Mackley 64 10April2013 - Trans - Webb Pingree

Elder Brown did not quite get to a smile but his companion elder Mackley did. They will be serving together in the Coral Springs zone. I am not sure if elder Webb is whistling or what but his companion elder Pingree is certainly smiling about getting to serve in the Miami Zone.

66 10 April2013 - Trans - Bloom eating 69 10April2013 - Trans - Price Orton

I can not believe that elder Bloom actually is the only missionary in this picture. Sister Bare is in the background busily refiling all the goodies. Sister Price will train sister Orton in one of the Hollywood areas.

70 10April2013 - Trans - Judkins LeBaron 71 10April2013 - Trans - Baumann Aloi Nimer Clayton Sablan Nimer

Sister Judkins is showing off something on their phone to sister Le Baron. I managed to catch 3 companionships of above average sisters together. Sisters McKay, Tuai, Clayton, Moody, Sablan and Nimer.

72 10April2013 - Trans - Baumann Aloi Nimer Clayton Sablan Nimer  thumbs up 73 10 April2013 - Wilson Rondo...


The same sisters giving the mission’s famous thumbs up sign. Later in the afternoon when everyone else was gone, elder Wilson and elder Rondo stopped by for a visit. Since they are only about 2 miles away we will get to see them regularly.

Well that is it for transfer pictures…I hope that you found your missionary somewhere among this group. Other than elders Fuluvaka and Underwood with their companion I think I managed to get all the new missionaries and their trainers. But I did get them in the arrival pictures!

4 thoughts on “Wednesday – Our Last Transfer…at least in Fort Lauderdale

  1. Regina Pearce

    Elder & Sister Pier; Thank you so much for everything! It was a joy, seeing Elder Pearce with his new companion today! I do hope someone continues the tradition that you have laid down. It makes us tickled to see our missionary. Not only that but to be uplifted with the wonderful messages from President & Sister Anderson. Have a wonderful day! Thanks for sharing your lives with us. 🙂

  2. Jana Loucks

    Dearest Elder and Sister Pier: You have become a big part of our home while sharing your blog with us!! I love seeing my missionary, Elder Loucks, because he hasn’t sent home very many pictures lately. It is so wonderful to be able to see how happy he is and to get to know some of the other missionaries through your pictures!! We will miss being able to see your smiling faces in the pictures too!! Enjoy this last few weeks of your mission and please let us know when your homecoming is so we can come and meet you in person!! Love and gratitude, Jana Loucks

  3. Gary and Carolyn Lee

    Thanks again for your photos of the transfer. You are correct that Elder Lee and Elder Winslow have not been companions. However, they knew each other from high school and I know Elder Lee was excited when Elder Winslow was called to the Fort Lauderdale Mission.
    Gary and Carolyn Lee

  4. Beth Passey

    Elder and Sister Piers, Thank you so much for taking the time to post these pictures! It is wonderful to see our smiling missionary in the capable hands of Elder Langford and headed down to the Keys. Best wishes for your remaining mission days and sincere gratitude from a happy Mom.
    Beth Passey


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