Train the Trainers…

 Each month the new missionaries and their trainers come to the mission home and are taught by President Anderson and the Assistants. When the meeting is done many of them – especially those who are further away come into the office to get supplies. Boxes of Books of Mormon, video, Bibles, and other teaching aids and reports are loaded up on.

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The first ones in were elders Rasmussen, Claude, Bowen and Duncan. Elders Bowen and Duncan left Lake Okeechobee at 4:30 – I mentioned that was kind of like when they had to leave the MTC to come to Fort Lauderdale. Elder Hanna and Sister Andrus are not companions…elder Tesch and sister Dunford are just around the corner of the supply room. Everyone has to spend time in front of the big board that shows when missionaries go home. They dread being up on the top or what is affectionately known as death row. They also look to see where all their friends are on the board.

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Sisters Schneider and Lira brought in their broken DVD player. Unfortunately they are going to have to wait for a new one because they are on order. About 2 hours after I took this picture, sister Schneider’s mother called to try and track down a package that seems to be stuck somewhere in the system. Since our sister Schneider had asked the same question I already knew the answers.  Elders Duncan, Rasmussen and Bowen at the big board. Sister Brown is looking at some pictures that are posted.

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Lots of the missionaries want chapel cards to hand out. Sister Bare printed the cards almost to order and then the missionaries got to cut them out. I caught a sliver of sister Schneider, sisters Carnes, Brown and of course Mary who was slaving away over a hot computer. Elder Allen and Kata are serving in Blue Lagoon when not striking poses for the camera. Later I caught elder Kata eating a bag of SunChips to build up his energy so he could carry out the big load of supplies next to him.

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Sister Bare tried to keep the chips trays filled. Here she is sharing with sisters Carnes, Judkins and Andrus. Elders Tesch and Hanna are cutting out their chapel cards for the Sunset. It appears that as the trainer, elder Hanna is training elder Tesch how to do this. Another hall shot – Sister Andrus is trying to figure how to get her picture off of death row!

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I could not pass up taking a picture of all the lovely and dedicated sisters who were in the office at one time. Sisters Judkins, Dunford, Carnes, Andrus, Quiocho and Brown were happy to pose. I do not usually post all the ‘crazy’ pictures but the sisters thought it was a great idea. You are welcome to vote for who you think did the best job of looking ‘crazy’? Earlier elders Rasmussen, Claude and Duncan could not resist acting up…I did not even have to suggest it to them.

After a while the last companionships left for their areas so they could invite others to come unto Christ and of course get their 8 blessing in before Wednesday was over. We could go to lunch and then get some work done.

One thought on “Train the Trainers…

  1. Wayne Tesch

    Thank you so much for maintaining this blog. It is fun to catch glimpses of Elder Tesch and the other outstanding Elder’s and Sisters and the work that is moving forward in southern Florida. Keep up the good work!


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