Daily Archives: July 23, 2012

A normal week – A new missionary arrives – Couples gather

july-2012-conger-relaford.jpg july-2012-rippstein-avila-giorgino-on-couch.jpg july-2012-elder-collins.jpg

Elder Conger finally got his new companion Elder Rellaford (I will probably never remember that there are two l’s in his name) to train. Sometimes the assistants have a little too much time on their hands as this picture of Elders Rippstei and Avila shows. Elder Giorgino just could not stay out of the picture. On the 21nd the couples – minus the McCormicks who are down in the Keys – gathered at the Collins for dinner and a birthday celebration for Mary, Sister Beagley, Sister Evans and Elder Collins who is sitting on his favorite stool before we went in to dinner. There are above average couples serving here in the Fort Lauderdale Mission


The Plantation Costco is very busy and by the afternoon they usually do not have any carts near the door so you learn to take one with you from wherever you park. For some reason they do not have enough cart tenders working to bring in the multitude of empty carts that fill all the spaces in the parking lot. OK rant over, back to missionary work.

The fourth and fifth week of a transfer is usually quiet around the office. Especially when they fall near the middle of the month. All the reports are in, letters are written, and for the most part we have time to organize and handle problems. This was one of those weeks and we were happy to have it.