03 January 2012 – Deliver Sofa and come down with a Cold.

Slept well but woke up with that scratchy throat that tells me a cold is coming on. President Anderson said the other day that our flu shot should make for milder colds and I hope he is correct. I went into my massive Vitamin C dosage mode and so I am taking lots of it and drinking vitamin C.

I felt well enough to go into the office and when I got there Elder Sommerfeldt told me I had been chosen to help him deliver a replacement sofa to one of the elder’s boarding and a fan to another. So for the next four hours we were busy picking up a sofa from a storage shed and delivering it to Miami.

I am not sure the sofa we delivered to Elders Owens and Hansen was much better than the one we took out but they seemed happy to get it. I am sorry to say I forgot to get a picture of these two elders or the quality sofa we delivered. It was strange to see them both in sweaters…I guess they have become too acclimatized to the hot Florida sun so when it dips down into the 50’s they are cold. I must say that it was a lot cooler this morning than usually but I am not ready for a sweater yet…in fact I did not bring a sweater. But I did bring a light coat.

By the time we got back I was not feeling well so I had Elder Sommerfeldt drop me off at our apartment. It turned out Mary was home having lunch. I decided I was not going back to the office but would sleep and take more vitamin C and try to stop this cold in it’s tracks. Hopefully if I stay home tomorrow also but Thursday I will be ready to get back into the saddle.

As we delivered the sofa and fan I had a chance to talk to the missionaries about a special two hour Harvesting program that is going to take place through out the mission. All said they were prepared and one companionship was actually going out for two hours today and practice for the real thing tomorrow. It is wonderful to see the enthusiasm most of the missionaries have to be obedient and also believe in the power of their call as servants of Jesus Christ. I will be really surprised if the mission does not far exceed the goals that each zone, district and companionship have set. The Lord is sure to bless them as they diligently go out and Harvest.

One thought on “03 January 2012 – Deliver Sofa and come down with a Cold.

  1. Sandy Mickelsen

    Hope you are feeling better today and getting back on your feet. Love reading your blog and keeping the missionary spirit going for us.


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