26 May 2010

26 May 2010 – Wednesday

We were just about to leave for DDM in Empangeni when we got a call from the Davises saying that they were on their way to meet the Swazi Wilsons at the petroport to exchange a young lady who is about to leave on her mission. They asked if they could meet with us and give us some registrations for a couple of  the elder’s car.

We met them at the RB Chapel and they gave us the registration and we gave them a report on the extra keys we have. They also asked us about going to the game park on the way back and we told them what we thought was the best part to see in the time they had.

DDM was good – elder Reeves is still trying to figure out just what he wants to do as a district leader. We talked about planning and how to improve it. Elder Lerios is still not feeling very well and I am a little worried about his fever. If it does not break soon I will insist he sees a doctor.

After DDM we had our usual Wednesday lunch at KFC. I called president Mngadi to see if we could meet with him but found that he had the flu and sounded terrible. Earlier I had called president Vilane and he sounded great. Hopefully he is no the way to full recovery.

We then went to Esikhawini where Mary taught English to sister Ndlovu and I went to see brother Machaka. I did not have a chance to talk to him on Sunday about his release and wanted to see how he felt about it. He mentioned that now he could go to Zimbabwe for his new passport because he did not have to be here each Sunday. Hopefully he can soon do this so he can finally get married.

I spent the rest of the time going through my phone and changing the names so they would make sense to the new couple. We will leave both phones for them – actually we will take them home so we can give the phones to the them while they are in the MTC.

After English we drove to Port Durnford and spent some time talking to Bongumusa’s mother to give her a copy of the book on running a small business. Mary then gave her a copy of the Proclamation on families and told her how important families are in the church. She tried to convince her that Bongumusa should be allowed to attend the Monday evening YSA meetings so he could have a social life.

Our last stop was at the Chirwas where we gave her the new lock and keys we bought yesterday so she can lock up her house and everyone could have a key. We talked to her about how Sandile’s mission application was coming. We then took the new short cut back to Esikhawini and home. There is an interesting section that I would not try if it was really wet but it cuts about 5 minutes and a K or two off the trip.

In the evening I went to the RB chapel to pick up some certificates that President Nyawo really wanted for members. President VanThiel was busy teaching a Seminary lesson on being a missionary so I sat in and added a few thoughts.  It was good to sit and listen to the president teach and to share the time with some of the RB members.

After the class President VanThiel found out that the certificates were not there for him to sign. In the past I would have probably been unhappy about this but I guess I am learning some patience because I told him I understood and we made arrangements to get them tomorrow. This obviously counts as a tender mercy.

Later I called the Mickelsens and surprised them by being the first call on their new phone. They had sent us the number earlier in the day via email. It sounds like they are settling in well and will keep busy.

2 thoughts on “26 May 2010

  1. Sandy Mickelsen

    It was a wonderful surprise to hear a familiar voice and laugh on the phone! As you well know, there is nothing like a mission to give you more purpose in your life. For right now, we will need to search hard each day to make it meaningful since there is no more PEF work!

  2. Bill Post author

    Maybe you can find a Stake Patriarch who needs his blessings transcribed! Better yet recruit couples for the South African Durban Mission.

    But we know what you mean. After a mission once you have said hello and hugged all your children and grandchildren, life can be a little boring.


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