Just a couple of days after we arrived in South Africa at the end of February 2009 we were driven by the Johnsons up to Swaziland where we were to serve for a couple of months and where a Couples Conference was to be held just the day after we got there. It was a wonderful way to start our mission because we got to know the other couples that were serving in the mission and enjoy their great spirit.
On March 2nd -4th we attended our last Couples conference of this mission. The majority of the couples present were there in February 2009. The Uffens, Markums, Hafens, Sessions, Klinglers, and Bartholomews have gone home since then and only the Knudsens and Coxes coming in. With six couples going home in the next four months and three known to be coming couples are likely to be at a premium in the South African, Durban Mission
The conference was held in the very nice Pumula Beach Hotel and included all meals with much too much food available. The room we had was a little small but perfectly adequate for the two of us – especially since we did not spend a lot of time in it.
The weather was gray and overcast each day but that meant it was cool and comfortable. As I looked out at the ocean (and took 30 photos) the line after line of breaking waves made me think of growing up in the LA area and the summers spent at the beach while in high school. The last picture on the right shows the morning runners including President Mann and Elder Knudsen going over the point of the small bay. Elder Harmsworth, who is working in the office and ran 3000 and 5000 meter events in school, smoked the rest of them.
We really did spend much of our time reporting about our mission and talking about how we could produce a short DVD that could be used as a recruiting tool for couples to come to South Africa, Durban on a mission. However President Mann had to show off his Lesotho blanket, hat and stick and become Chief Mann. The Wilson sisters found the air-conditioning a little chilly so they shared a sweater to keep warm. When we sang Sister Johnson at the keyboard and Sister Swazi-Wilson as director tried to keep us on key and on the beat. Sometimes they even succeeded.
The Johnsons, on the left, came out on a proselyting mission but when the Sessions who were serving as the office couple went home they agreed to take over the office while still watching over their ward. Then when the couple to replace them was delayed not once but twice, they kept extending so they could train the new couple before they go home. They are true heros and we were sadly happy to say goodbye to them for the last time. The Ladysmith-Wilsons are on the left of the center picture and the Swazi-Wilsons un-huddled from their shared coat long enough to take some pictures of President Mann in his Chief’s costume. After that they quickly covered up again. The couple in the right hand picture is the Griesmers. During the week they serve in Durban as Mission Employment Specialists and on the week-end they come up here to Richards Bay to work with the Engwelezane branch. We certainly enjoy having lunch with them on Saturdays. I think that Elder Griesmer is one of the few people I have met that is crazier than I am.
The Coxes and us in front of our identical blue mission Nissen Tiidas. They have very quickly got involved with CES in the stake and are going to be a great strength to the seminary and institute teachers they are working with. I had to take a picture of the Tidy sign… We had not seen one like that before.