Daily Archives: August 21, 2009

Pictures Courtesy Elder Mickelsen

 Since it is rather hard for me to take a picture that has both of us in it, we are grateful to Elder M for providing these. I am glad in at least one we are standing. From the others it looks like we spent all our time at Tembe sitting. Come to think of it we did!



Some of his great shots of animals and scenery – he really has an eye for content


Everyone loves giraffe pictures – the one with sunset in the back is a classic.


His camera reached into the bush and pulled out the three lions that were looking back at him. The Nyala picture is also great because it shows the raised hair on its back which means it is really angry. I guess we were interfering with his lunch. We were told the baby elephant in this picture was about a month old. But it already learning that elephants really do have the right of way.

BTW all income from these pictures will be forwarded to Elder Mickelsen- as soon as I deduct my fee and operating expenses.