Daily Archives: May 25, 2008

25 May 2008


Mary with sister Tandiman who is the matriarch of a faithful family. She and her husband were early members of the church here and their family are found in many branches. Unfortunately brother Tandiman has not been well but sister Tandiman faithfully comes and plays the piano for T2. Next is the Bautista family who are from the Philippines and are investigating the church. The last picture is a young lady who was born either just before we got here or right after. I have posted pictures of her father carrying her in one of the slings they use here. As you can see she is a doll and even let me take her picture.


Mary with Judi Guttormsen at the English Branch farewell. Judi said that she wanted a good picture because the last one I took at the graduation party was terrible. The bright temporary murals are on the fence around a building that we have watched being built for our whole mission. We next to it at least 3 times each week and it has been fun to see it develop. I like the last picture because it shows one of the carts they use and a part of the rock wall that bends around one of the corners.

25 May 2008 – Sunday

Our next-to-the-last Sunday in Indonesia. It does not seem possible and it really has not sunk in. We were up early to get ready to leave at 7:15 for the Tangerang chapel. I found myself re-writing my talk on the back of my nicely printed one. As I was writing last night I pretty well knew that I would change it before we spoke.

Since it was the 4th Sunday, Sudirman was closed off for the walkers and bike riders. Sam found another way to the toll road and we got there in plenty of time to say hello to the members.

Mary and I spoke at both branches and bore our testimonies in Indonesian. I got better with the second one and should have been able to do it all but through in something that had to be translated. President Gjarot translated for both of us. My talk felt good and I noticed that in T2 I had most people’s attention – I did not do as well in T1 but since President Paul and President Gjarot both mentioned some of the things I spoke about, I think it was the right subject.

It was good to see the Bautista family at T1 – they are the nice family from the Philippines who are investigating the Church. This is the third time they have come. After the meeting I mentioned to them that I knew what they were feeling because I had sat where they were 50 years ago. They would be a great addition to the Church here in Indonesia or in the Philippines.

As soon as the second sacrament meeting was over we headed for the English branch farewell party. It was a nice gathering of many of the families we have come to know over our mission. It provided a good lunch – Mary made brownies – and we got to say goodbye to many friends. Hopefully we will meet some of them again some day. At least one young man is going to the Y in the fall. It would be great if we could see him before we leave again.

We are reading in chapters 70-76 in the A&P. We just started 76 with it’s powerful testimony of Jesus on the right hand of His Father. ‘Of all the testimonies that have been given…He lives!’ That is the testimony all members of the Lord’s church must have. This knowledge leads to keeping His commandments and enjoying the blessings. Including the blessing of this mission.

24 May 2007


Soewigno’s home and store – very nicely landscaped. Us and the Soewigno family. Their excellent small restaurant. The serve about 100 bowls of Mie Ayam a day.


The Salim family and Us. A fruit stand where they hang much of their fruit instead of stacking it neatly. I love the colors. A first for us – a balloon as a motorcycle load. At least it should not be heavy.

24 May 2008 – Saturday

A day that was a good one all the way through. The Lord truly blessed us and granted us tender mercies. The morning was devoted to study, exercise, and reading the A&P. I posted my journal and some pictures. The time flew by and Sam was soon knocking on the door. Strangely enough I have not really started on my talk for tomorrow.

We went to the office and after getting Mary settled in, Sam and I went to run some errands. When we got back, the front gate was locked and since I left my keys with Mary, there was no way to get in. But I had been prompted to plug in the desk phone before we left – I told Mary it was so if she thought of something else she needed she could call me. Instead I had to call her and ask her to come out to the gate and let us in. I count this as a tender mercy from the Lord.

The internet was humming so I was able to send off some e-mail that I was in the middle of when the power went off yesterday morning. I was surprised that Hani was not at the chapel so he could use our computers but I supposed that he was busy elsewhere. Mary worked on printing more ‘Go Fish’ cards for the elders to use.

We had to leave at noon so we could go out towards the Depok to visit brother Soewigno’s store and restaurant. I slept part of the way so it was a quick trip. We had a delightful time, got to meet his family – wife, son and daughter – see their store, warehouse and restaurant. We also got to eat his Mie Ayam which was delicious, see his house, visit his container garden that included a number of fruit trees and a flowering plant that had some of the biggest and strongest thorns I have ever seen. What impressed me most is that he and his wife has built this up by hard work and careful management. It shows that the possibilities for success in Indonesia is unlimited if you dream, plan and work very hard to accomplish your dream. He started after his mission by selling fruit that he grew himself.

After taking some pictures and saying goodbye we called our home teaching family – the Salims and asked if we could drop by to say goodbye. Usually it takes us over an hour to get to their house but we were only 15 minutes away so it was an easy trip. They are a very nice couple and I wish we could communicate directly instead of through Sam. We only stayed about 20 minutes and took some pictures. Johan was not there – he was working but we should see him next Sunday at Jakarta Raya. We thanked them for their hospitality and friendship and bid then Selamat Tinggal and they wished us Selamat Jalan.

In the evening we went to the chapel so Mary could play for choir practice. I used the time to write my talk. It just flowed and I think it is quite good. I do not think I will have time to give it all but I am prepared for everything from 10 to 20 minutes.

By the time we got home it was almost bedtime, so I read some from the Teachings of Joseph Smith and turned off the lights on a good day. A day filled with small blessings and friendships. A day that allowed us to serve and be served.