05 March 2008


These are two pictures of the load that was so heavy it lifted the front wheel off the ground. Unfortunately the best shot of that has my reflection blurring it. The clear shot shows the load – notice the black bag between the seat and the front wheel. We could not figure where the driver was going to sit and we were past it before he got on. The load is a good 4 feet wide so it overhangs each side about 2 feet.

The last shot is the road leading to the mall that is in the background. It does not really show all the activity that goes on. I shot it at a time when it was peaceful. We were still about 15 minutes from the mall at this time.

05 March 2008 – Wednesday

Today’s scripture to ponder: “But ye will teach them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness; ye will teach them to love one another, and to serve one another.” Mosiah 4:15

I had one of those nights where I woke at about 3:00 and never really fell back into a sound sleep. Luckily today is P-day and I should be able to get some sleep during the day. Before reading from the Kitab Mormon I finished yesterday’s journal and after reading I posted it and some pictures that I took yesterday.

I used my personal study time to ponder today’s scripture. There is a lot to think about in this scripture – both as parents and as fellow Saints. I found a talk by H. Burke Peterson from 1974 that pretty well summed up my thoughts – things that I should have done more of when our children were young – the emphasis is mine – and I hope our children are doing now with their children.

“The most effective examples a child will ever have— for bad or for good —are his own parents. Few of us realize how very pliable and teachable children are in their primary years of life. How quick they are to pick up parental habits and traits and teachings!

May I suggest that as parents we must require more of ourselves. May I suggest that we give more of ourselves, that we give more good experiences to our children, experiences that are love-producing and family-solidifying. Whether the times we give are measured in minutes or hours is not as important as what we do in them. It may be five minutes at a child’s bedside each night or a fifteen-minute walk in the evening. It may be a day in the hills or a three-minute phone call from the office at midday. It may be a clever love note to a little girl or a night out to a ball game with a boy. It can even be the experience of a family home evening. It can even be the experience of a family learning to pray together and reading the scriptures together and fasting together.”

For our P-day activity I agreed to take Mary to a huge fabric/clothing mall that had been recommended to us by the Kanes. It was truly insane from the moment we got within a couple of kilometers. Due to the number of cars, angkats, and people, the traffic just crawled along. After we finally got inside the 15 floors of goods it was not possible to take any picture that would even start to represent the vast amount of goods. I think that each floor has 8 to 10 aisle that are perhaps 500 feet long and every square inch that is not narrow aisles is jam packed with soft goods.

We concentrated on one floor that was 90% fabrics. Mary had a wonderful time (even I enjoyed it but I am not sure about Sam) and came home with material for at least 6 blouses, 3 skirts, and 2 temple dresses. I got enough material for one tie. We also were able to get some gifts for the folks at home. The trip home was much quicker.

To give you an idea about how bad Jakarta traffic can be at times. Today we could not catch up with a huge handcart filled with cut grass and pushed by a single man that I wanted to get a picture of. We followed that cart for at least 3 kilometers and only got close to it once. But in the long run it got to where it turned off the main road and was 100 yards away before we came to the same place and I could take a clear picture.

In the evening we read from the Kitab Mormon, listened to some programs on KBYU TV – including Mahler’s 2nd Symphony. While I was listening, I wrote about today in this journal. Mary worked on English ideas. Before turning off the lights, I read Paul’s letters to Timothy. They are certainly full of good counsel for all members of Christ’s Church. I thought about those who left Paul when he was in prison in Rome. What were their thoughts and what became of them. That would make a good story to tell. It reminded me of those who left the Prophet Joseph when he was in Liberty jail. Some like W.W. Phelps repented and came back while others such as most of the Whitmers did not. What would I have done when threatened with prison or death? I doubt that anyone can be sure until actually faced with the situation.

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