02 March 2008


Us and the Bennetts in front of the Semarang chapel. It is a very nice building and the grounds are beautiful. The next picture is the students for the Bennett’s HS English class. The picture of the plane shows our luggage being loaded. It is was nice to see that our luggage would arrive with us. Garuda wraps a security strap around each piece of loaded luggage. This insures that none of the employees with take things and it also help insure that no unchecked luggage or packages are loaded. Unfortunately not all airlines do this.

02 March 2008 – Sunday

We went to church with the Bennetts and enjoyed standing out front and greeting the members as they came. Sister Bennett was thrilled because 5 less actives came. I especially enjoyed greeting the young people who were at the class last night in English and complementing them on how well they could speak English. Elder Cowan interpreted for us during the sacrament meeting. There were strong and yet simple testimonies born. Elder Bennett bore his in English with Agus translating for him.

We went to the Gospel Principles class where it seems a number of members like to go instead of the Gospel Doctrine class. The lesson was on the Eternal family and one of the new Indonesian missionaries – Elder Bayodo – taught it very well. Mary and I made a few comments that I think added to the discussion. The PH lesson was on President Hinckley’s talk to the PH session about controlling anger. Even with elder Cowan’s fine translating, I was never really into the lesson. I am sure it was my loss because I still am not always good about controlling my temper. Another attribute to work on I am afraid.

After church the Bennetts took us by to see Triono’s business that they are supporting. It is a major complex and hopefully will provide a good income to many members of the church. Already there are 5 members working there and one is a single mother who is making more than she ever has before – about $100 a month which is considerable for Semarang.

They then took us to the airport where we had about a 2 hour wait but I did not see much sense in going back to their house for 45 minutes. The Bennetts as always were gracious hosts and we always enjoy hearing about all the things they are doing to support and build the branch.

While waiting I found that there was wireless internet in the waiting area so I could spend my time reading and writing e-mail. When I got through with that I started reading a book that elder Bennett gave to us. It is called ‘The Gift’ and Richard Paul Edwards who also wrote the best selling ‘The Christmas Box.’ I found the story very well written, up-lifting, and enjoyable reading.

The flight left on time and I spent most of the time talking to the nice woman setting next to us. Lily told us all about her life, her family, and her business. I gave her a pass-along card and one of our business cards but she did not have a card or was not willing to give it to me. She would make a great member of the Church in Malaysia.

Sam and Anne picked us up in Anne’s car – our’s will not be ready until tomorrow. It was good to walk into our own apartment. I immediately started unpacking and was glad to see all our goodies arrived in tact.

We spent a quiet evening unwinding from the trip. I caught up with editing and putting captions on the pictures I took. We read from the Kitab Mormon.

I think it was a very successful trip. We were able to see four different classes and four different teaching styles. It was good to see that the class can be effective in all cases as long as the couples are committed to helping the young people grow and improve. We are truly blessed with the couples that are now serving in Indonesia. You can feel the love and concern they have for the members here and their testimonies of the gospel. Just their being away from home and family for 18 to 23 months – 3 years for President and Sister Marchant – shows their faith and desire to serve. Most of them are at least thinking about going on another mission.

We also had a chance to speak with almost all the branch specialists and many of the PH leaders about employment, how they can help the communication between those who need jobs and those who know of jobs, and of course the need for better reporting.

We were blessed by the association we had with the couples, for sharing their homes and cars, and for safe traveling conditions. Of course continued good health is a great blessing. But the most important blessing we had was the inspiration about what to say and do to help in all these inspired programs.

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