04 December 2007 – Tuesday
A year has gone by since we entered the MTC in Provo and put on our missionary badges for the first time. It seems both longer and shorter than a year. It seems like we have been here for years. We have become comfortable in Indonesia, we have come to love the Indonesian people – especially the Saints, and we have even come to enjoy teaching English and working with ERS. We have experienced events we had not even thought about a year ago, we have been places and seen things that we had not even thought about in all our lives. We have had opportunities to serve in ways that we would never had been able to if we were still living in Provo. The Lord has comforted us, has blessed us, and has been with us. It has been a great year.
I woke just in time to go to the gym. I guess because of the rain it was not open so I walked and jogged until it did. A very light drizzle was welcome because it kept down the temperature. But I was glad to see the gym open up. I had a really good physical workout. Then back at the apartment we read from the Kitab Mormon to build up my spiritual side. We are in Mosiah where Alma the younger and the sons of Mosiah are persecuting the Church.
We were fairly busy at the office. We managed to get our report into the Christensens. It was a good month for employment – at least the numbers said that. I think some of the numbers came from last month when almost none were recorded. While I gave Ezra Subandriyo his English lesson, Mary gave his older brother a piano lesson. Later we had a good time talking to Lukas about the foods he learned to eat while on his mission in Georgia. They were a lot different than the foods he grew up on here in Indonesia. They are two good young men, hopefully they will get their education and then come back here to be leaders in the years to come.
I checked with a few of our past ‘clients’ to see if they had any luck finding a job. Unfortunately most of them are still looking. One is coming in on Thursday to see us. Around noon Lukito came in with all of his report and we added it to the one we got from Agus. We talked about his business ventures. It seems he is going to open a new shop. He certainly has lots of irons in the fire, but he seems to do well with most of them.
We closed up the office at 2:00 and went to Grand Lucky market before going to the mission office so Mary could teach her English class. While she did that I had a good long talk with the president about a number of things including the need for the Indonesian elders and sister to learn as much English as they can. He is going to give me 15 minutes at the next Zone Conference to talk to the missionaries about this.
Then I talked to elder Subandriyo about the English class. I thought I could get him to help me with getting the program at least tested here in Jakarta, but he said that it was up to me to figure out how to motivate the PH to take the lead in strengthening the rising generation. So it is back to the mountain to pray for the Lord’s guidance in this matter. The work will go forward.
Hendra surprised us with our new computer and monitor – now I will just have to move all the files to the new one, wipe out the ones we do not need, and then figure a way to get the old computer to the Barnards.
President Sujud told us about a tragedy for one of his families. Looky Samad and his wife Diana are strong members of the Tangerang II branch with a wonderful family of 3 sons and a daughter. They found out two weeks ago that their next to the youngest son Joshua had leukemia and it was some rapid kind that strikes fast and hard. The president asked us to visit the hospital to give the family some support. We were happy to do this and I am glad we did.
When we got there Looky told us that Joshua was on lifesupport – unable to breathe for himself and that it was just a matter of time before he died. We went in with him to see Joshua and it was so sad to see this little 2 ½ year child hooked up to all these machines and in a coma. He asked me to offer a prayer and I did – I tried to assure the good brother that Joshua would be waiting for them when they crossed over. That they needed to live their lives so that they would be worthy to be with him. They have been married in the temple and so all of their children are sealed to them. They have great faith so I am sure while this will crush their hearts it will not crush their spirit.
When we came out the rest of the family went in and I sat and talked to Looky. I asked him if he had a priesthood blessing and he said he hadn’t. He asked me if I would give him one. So we went into the Muslim prayer room and I gave him a blessing. It was a humbling experience and after I was done, we had a tender moment together. I hope that it gives him some comfort and strength as he faces the terrible days ahead. I can not imagine what it is like to lose a beloved child. Especially one as sweet as Joshua. At least we have the truth of the gospel and knowledge that families are forever to help us through trials such as this. I am thankful that president Sujud felt inspired to tell us about this and invited us to go to the hospital. It was truly humbling.
At the apartment we got some bad news. Femmy did not get the job with Garuda. She was one of 300 that were invited to the interview and only 20 positions were open. I am afraid she is too young and did not have training on how to walk and look poised. She thinks she will get a job at a health clinic in Bekasi. Daisy wants to see us either tomorrow or Thursday. I am afraid she is getting anxious about finding a job. Each time one of our students fails to get a job it really makes us sad.