05 September 2007


Two signs for Ahli Gigi  – False Teeth – makers. Their signs are much more fun than regular dentists.

05 September 2007 – Wednesday

I was late getting out to exercise but I decided I would put in the full hour. After walking around the track, I went to the gym and found that a lot more people start coming after 6:10 or so. I am glad that I get out early and do not have to fight the crowd.

Today is our P-day but we will spend at least part of it picking up the new senior couple – the Walkers – at the airport and get them settled in their apartment. They should have very little problem becoming comfortable. They have their own home, car and driver so there is no wasted time. I look forward to meeting them.

We read from the Kitab Mormon about the continuing saga of the reign of the Judges. I would not say that it was a good time for the church. The Kitab Mormon warns through example about pride being a great enemy of righteousness. How failing to share our abundance with those who are less fortunate is one of man’s great failings. I have often mentioned that one of the things that the bible keeps reminding Israel and then the church about is their failure to take care of the poor. If you do not put Jesus and Others before Yourself – you can not have JOY. But it is also obvious that you are important if there is to be joy. The Lord would remind the church some two thousand years later in the D&C – “Many are called but few are chosen – because they have set their hearts so much upon the things of this world.” Some things never change.

Mary read about a craft store that is on our way to a number of places and so today we left early enough that we could stop in. From the looks of things it will not be around much longer. They do not even turn on the lights – we thought it was closed when we drove into the lot. Mary bought a couple of things, but our trip was cut short because we had to make an unexpected trip to the chapel. The lady who sews clothes had brought some things for us without calling first.

After clearing that up we headed to the airport to pick up the Walkers. We waited at the gate they were supposed to come out but they were re-routed to another gate and we only found them after they had called the office and the office called Sam. They were glad to find us and we them.

They are from Cedar Hills and have owned a number of businesses. One was a short-lived wilderness program that we had heard of but never did business with. We took them to their house – they live on the mission home grounds – where they met the Davises who were still moving out to the guest room in the mission home. President Marchant calls it the Mission Hotel and he is not far from the fact. At least that is the case for the last month to five weeks.

I went looking for the brother Diaz who does the immigration work but he was not in so they will probably not get their KITAs going until tomorrow. I stopped in and told Elder Subandriyo about the Walkers getting in and then we talked for about 10 minutes. He was very surprised to find out that I am 69 – he thought I was in my mid-50’s – I told him he was kind. We then talked about what kind of business we had before we came on our mission and about retirement, etc. Later he dropped in and met the Walkers.

We had to leave so we could be back in time for the cleaning lady. I had laundry and dishes to do and then I studied some Indonesian. We read another hour from the Kitab Mormon. Alma is out preaching to his people. I have been struck recently about how often the prophets in the Kitab Mormon remind the people of how the Lord has blessed their ancestors. This is the same thing that Paul and others in the New Testament do so often. To ‘stir up to rememberance’ the ways of the Lord. Of course we do the same thing when we talk about the early days of the church, the pioneers, etc. They are stories of testimony and grace. We need to do this with our families. To share those times when the Lord has blessed us – has answered our prayers – have comforted us. I am sure we did not do this enough with our children – nor did we bear our testimonies enough. Hopefully our going on this mission will make up for some of that.

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