23 June 2007

23 June 2007 – Saturday

The days are starting to blurr a little. I had to stop and think what day of the week it was. I guess it is because almost every day this month all that we have thought about is the class. Just this morning I realized that I had not called Lukito to find out how the SEW went last Saturday or to find out if there would be a CW at Jakarta Raya today.

I woke at about 5:00 and started reading the D&C but in the middle of D&C 56 I went back to sleep for a few minutes. Since I was reading 56:14 at the time, I have wondered if this was written to me – I am afraid I am a great one for trying “counsel in my own way.”  I am really enjoying reading the D&C – I have not done this in a long time.

We read from the Kitab Mormon – we have made it to just before Christ is crucified. We continue to run across words we either have not had or more likely we have forgotten. Just yesterday I realized that every time we read from the Kitab Mormon my voice gets hoarse. Pronouncing the Indonesian words must stress my vocal cords. It is strange that I never realized this before. I have always thought that Indonesians say many of their words in their throats as much as with their mouths – that is why they hardly ever really open their mouths very wide when they are speaking. Also they roll their r’s which is strange to us.

We had a good day of classes. Mary took most of them – at least the morning classes. I continued to work on the vocabulary – it is not easy to do them. I have a much greater respect for those who made up almost 2000 words worth. I took hours to it for just 17 words.

We had a client come in today – he had been here before. He has not held a job in 4 years. He went to school for three years to study English but does not want to be an English teacher. He is a cook. Why in the world he took English I do not know but it is the kind of thing we need to work on stopping if at all possible.

I had a good talk with Vita. I told her how I had been thinking about her situation. I counseled her that the Lord has given her many talents and we are told to use our talents in the Lord’s work. I told her the Lord knows what she should do and therefore she should fast and pray about going to college – maybe even BYU Hawaii. I told her if she is supposed to go the Lord would prepare a way for her to achieve it.

I took Ekjo, Anna and Jin-young and worked on their talks with them. I had them give their talks and then I had them give them again with me videotaping them. We now have all 6 talks on tape. They all did very well and I just hope they will remember to speak up when they give them tomorrow.

As we were finishing our class, president and sister Jensen were walking in and right behind them was Elder Kane. It turned out that they were coming for Zone Priesthood Leadership and I should also go. So Mary headed home and I talked with Elder Kane until it was time to go up to the meeting. We had a good talk – they have had a quiet week in their calling but he had good gospel talks with three of the NGOs.

I did not learn anything at PH Leadership but I gained a lot. It may seem strange to write that but it is true. The spirit that was there, sharing the meeting with all the Indonesian saints. The only four bulais there were president Jensen, president Smith of the English branch, elder Kane and myself. They gave us a great interpreter who was able to instantly translate for us. President Jensen spoke about the PH and the Oath and Covenant. I guess what made it great was that I was sharing this experience with a group of fellow priesthood holders and although they were speaking a language I could not understand, I could feel their spirit as they spoke.

As Sam was taking the students to Joel house for their evening class, I thought I would need to catch a cab home. However I got lucky and ran into Sudein, the Kane’s driver, and asked him if he would give me a ride home. Since elder Kane came with the Lees he was happy to do this. We had a nice talk about his family, his conversion, and how the loss of his business in 1998 was a good thing as it led to him finding the gospel. The Lord does work in mysterious ways.

I was hoping that Mary had ordered pizza but when I got home I found she was waiting for me. At first I was disappointed but when it came and was nice and hot, I decided it was worth the wait.

After dinner Mary watched a movie and I did some things on the computer before reading from the D&C. It has been a good day – especially in the gifts of the spirit. It is great to serve here in Indonesia – I am sure it is great to serve anywhere – and it does not feel like any kind of sacrifice.

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