07 June 2007

07 June 2007 – Thursday

I woke at 3:30 and could not really go back to sleep – or so it seemed to me. So I was surprised that the next time I looked it was after 5:00. I guess I was dreaming about being awake and worrying about adjectives. Strange!

We had our usual morning activities including reading from Kitab Mormon. I need to read out loud more – I just can not get a flow of words going. I think after the English class is over I am going to have Sam work with me on reading and pronunciation so that I can read and speak clearly.

We got the class started and had them take a reading test before turning the class over to Judi G. for the rest of the time. Mary spent most of her time on getting English lessons ready and I spent most of mine trying to get our reports sent to the Christensens. They are so big that it takes forever to get them through our terrible connection. I am still not sure they got out.

We left the office as soon as we had herded the last of the students out the door. The first stop was the mission office where we picked up mail, ate lunch and talked to Elder Subandriyo about the class. There are three new missionaries in from the states and two Indonesian so they are having a quick MTC to get them all on the right track. Since the president will keep them in the Jakarta area, we should get to meet all of the US missionaries. Sam got us lunch from BYU – they were out of potatoes which is a bummer but I got lots of greenbeans and tempe. The one thing about Indonesian food is your mouth reminds you about what you have eaten for a long time.

We then hit SoGo for our bi-weekly shopping trip. We load up on goodies for ourselves and for a treat for the missionaries before heading for Tangerang. I manage to get some sleep on the way – it is the only way to travel. I mention to Sam that Ed wrote about a 12 hour traffic jam that he had got stuck in. Sam tells me about a one day jam that affected all of Jakarta to a point where people just left their cars and walked home.

We arrive an hour early and then I got a SMS that the elders would be late. Luckily we have keys to Tangerang so we could go in and turn on the air conditioning. We spent the time reading the Church News and studying Indonesian. The elders finally arrived and the rest of the night went on about the same as usual except we once again did not have many people there. If it was not for Agus and Catherin’s family it would not really be worth our trouble.

Since I did not get any students until about 6:30 – I had a chance to tell elders Wight and Smith about my conversion and share some thoughts with them. I gave them by Widow’s Mite story and I think that they will use it in their lives.

By the time we got home we were very tired. Dinner was whatever we decided to snack on. It was another ‘early to bed” day for me.

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