Daily Archives: March 1, 2007

01 March 2007

1 March 2007 – Thursday

After 4 a.m. I did not sleep much. I guess that 6 hours sleep each night is enough – NOT. Anyway I was up and at the gym at 5:45. I only did 50 sit-ups and about 15 minutes on the bike but at least it is a start back to exercising each morning. My weight has stayed about the same for the last month – I need to lose another 16 – 18 pounds by my birthday.

Normal morning except I had some time to be on the computer before it was time to read Kitab Mormon. I managed to talk a little to Bob – the connection was terrible. Later I found out why – or at least one reason. I was d/l a program and found that it was moving at 9 kbps and not the 2 mbps that is advertised. I called the GigaNet office and told them I was very unsatisfied. The engineer is supposed to call me sometime today. If they can not fix this I might as well go to dial-up. Anyway hopefully they will fix the problem and we will be able to Skype with both video and sound without any problems.

We spent most of our time at the office getting ready for English classes. I also responded to a couple of e-mails. It was the day for mechanical failures. The one computer still does not think it has a wireless card so could not get on line. A call to Hendra brought the suggestion that we bring it in to the office so he can look at it. Then one of the printers decided it really did not like the new ink cartridge I put in. I sent Sam to get some refilled but it still did not like it. So Sam had to go back again and get another one. I can not complain since they refill cartridges here for $3.50 each. Anyway the new one worked fine and so we were able to make all of our copies for the English classes.

We than went to the mission office where we dropped off the computer, a couple of bills, and a copy of the Career Outlook workbook to Elder Tandiman. He is now in charge of CES but before that he has been Mission President here.

The next stop was SoGo shopping center so Mary could get some things she had on her list but mainly for her to get what she called ‘a chocolate fix.’ At 2 p.m. SoGo is easy to shop because there is always parking places and it is never very busy. The only downer was that they were out of bottles for their fresh squeezed orange juice so I can not get any until Monday.

District Meeting with the Tangerang elders went well. We did have some excitement before the meeting. For some reason the air-conditioning failed and it was only after Sam called the church’s Physical Facilities man that he could figure out how to get it going again. The idea of being there without air-conditioning was not something I wanted to consider. We have a good relationship with the elders so we are able to participate in their meeting. I keep emphasizing the need for the spirit in their teaching. Mary suggested that they do not read the Gospel Principle lesson – that they come prepared to teach it and not just read it.

I got a call from Elder Subandriyo about the loan program I mentioned to him the other day. He looked into it and found that they loan up to $500 to established business so they can expand. Anyone can apply and he is going to write up something to explain the program to members. Hopefully some of them will be able to take advantage and increase their business and their income. This is especially important in SoLo where they need to increase the PH paying tithing so they can make it a stake. The Lord provided that article at just the right time.

English class also went well. The regular crew came to my class but Mary had a non-LDS man come. I am not sure how he found out about it but I did give the Elders more hand-outs so maybe it will continue to grow.

By the time we got home, I was exhausted. Getting up at 4 am make 8 pm a long time awake. Especially if we have been busy all day. I crashed on the couch and only woke up long enough to crawl into bed. It is good to be serving here and giving our time and talents to helping the Indonesian saints.

28 February 2007

28 February 2007 – Wednesday

I was just looking at the traffic cams in SL valley. The snow looked beautiful and but foreign – here about the only thing that is sometimes white is a cloud and even that is not very often. Most clouds here are some shade of gray or black and full of rain. Anyway it was fun to look at home.

Another month is about to end – I am not sure where February went. It really seems like we have been here for much longer than two months and yet it also seems like we got here yesterday. I think we have pretty much adjusted to Jakarta and missionary life. This morning for breakfast I had cold pizza and a diet coke…seemed quite normal.

We neaten the apartment so that the maid – that sounds so upper class – could clean the floors and surfaces without moving half of our possessions. We have so many different things going on that we tend to spread out here even more than we did at home. This is fine except there are times when we are so spread out we can not find anything. Last night I wanted to read in ‘Book of Mormon Stories’ and could not find them anywhere. Finally I looked under the bed and there they were. I guess the mice wanted to read them.

We read from the Kitab Mormon. We are in 2nd Nephi and finished chapter 1. We did pretty good today – we only had trouble getting tenses (they usually are not provided so we must guess at them from context) and deciding how they are using words such as kebenaran which can be anything from rightousness to truthfulness with a few in-between. Even when we look up a word we are never sure that we get the right meaning because some words cover a wide range. There are words that can have completely opposite definitions – like meaning good or bad – and we must figure out which is meant. So far the record is 17 different meanings for one word.

I had a fairly busy day – at least up to 5. At work I sent off a lot of e-mails to different people. I am determined to find resources and schools. The Jakarta Post had an article on a government micro-loan program that almost no one has heard of. The article talked about the corruption involved as the people in charge gave loans to their relatives and friends. The money was not used to start of help their business and there was never any intention of paying back the loans. I asked Lukito to look into it for me. It sounds like a great thing for our small business people.