Another Kind of Big Game at the YSA FHE

Monday Night is the time for the Potchefstroom branch Young Single Adults Family Home Evening. Tonight president Kwaikwai ended our month on the temple and genealogy by reviewing the temple recommend questions. He went through them one by one while explaining what they meant and how they needed to be answered. Those present got to ask any questions that they might have.

After the lesson the Big Game was on – Book of Mormon ‘Go Fish’ is one of their favorites. There are lots of smiles and laughter when they can tell some one to ‘Go Fish’ and some groans when someone must give up their cache of cards when some one asks for them.

The game got so intense that even though the power went out, they finished the game by the light of our iPads and a couple of cell phones!  Everyone went home with smiles on their faces and a some snacks to eat.

Brother and Sister Williams FHE and other activities. They joined in and seemed to have as much fun as the YSA members. We hope more YSA in the branch will join them on Monday evenings for a night of learning and fun.

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